So I just wanted to let everyone know, Baby Chloe is still in my belly. I'm 38 weeks along! I'm starting to feel so uncomfortable. I'm finding it harder to sleep at night. But I try to get a nap in everyday, so that helps. I have 12 days until my due date! I'm considered to full term, so I could have this baby any day now. But we will see. I have a feeling she might come late. I'm hoping they will induce me about a week after my due date and not 2 weeks, but we will see. I really hope she's not born on Halloween. I'm not sure why this bothers me so much... I just don't want a Halloween baby. But if that's when she wants to come... then I guess I will deal with it.
It's been really weird not having my Etsy shop open. But I've been making items for my shop! So when I re-open I will have items to add!! I really miss Etsy. I can't wait to re-open and see what my future brings.
Well that's all for now. I'm starving!! I'm off to cook dinner! It's taco night! Yum!!
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