Monday, April 19, 2010

Currnet Project for baby...

So here's what I've been working on. It's a cute mobile for baby! This pattern can be found in the latest issue of Crochet Today magazine!

I'm changing the pattern a little bit. I'm separating the sun and the cloud. I put a some eyes and a cute little smile. All I have left to make is the rain drops. I'm hoping I can finish it up this week. I'm thinking about hanging it on the wall, instead of hanging it above the crib. I will post pics when I'm done!

Last week was a little rough. I didn't have internet most of the week, and I was going insane. I still don't have much energy. All I seem to do is eat and sleep. I really just wanted to watch tv, and veg. But thankfully, my iPod saved me! So I caught up on my Planet Money, This American Life, and News podcasts. Thank you iPod!!

I'm also working on a mother's day gift for my mother in law. I'm going to knit some dishcloths for her. I better get busy! I only have a couple weeks left! My plan is to make a set of 7. We'll see if I can get them done!

I've also got a early start on my gardening. I planted some flowers in some Terra cotta pots. I will post pics soon! I'm thinking I planted to early, we've had a couple of nights of frost warnings. But lucky, I can easily move the pots in the garage. I had lots of fun planting flowers last year, so I decided to do it again. Maybe someday, I will be able to plant veggies! I'm starting small...

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