Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Coloring with a 2.5 year old...

Almost everyday, I color with my daughter, who is 2 1/2. We have the same coloring book, and our own box of crayons (we are working on the sharing is caring thing). So I pick out a page to color this morning, and start coloring. Chloe gets out her coloring book, and ask me to find the same page that I'm coloring in her book. I find the page, and I go back to coloring. I finish coloring the page in about 20 minutes and I look at her page, and I smile.

Chloe's page is on the left, and mine is on the right (in case you can't figure it out). There are some differences between the pictures. Example: Her sun had to be blue not yellow. If her attention span was longer I wonder how she would have colored the rest of the picture. 

Chloe, you amaze me every day.

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